Dear Readers, Followers, Astrology Students and Astrologers....
Here are the results of the much talked about Rahu - Ketu Transit or Gochar of 2016 and the important conjunction and Aspect of Guru and Shani respectively on this Singha or Leo Rahu.....[Date of Transit is 9th January 2016, True Rahu Position, at 09:12 Hrs as Per Mumbai, India Timing Transiting to Singha (RAHU) and Kumbha (KETU).....Many people are asking about the 29th-30th January which is published all across internet, but that is the Mean Position of Rahu -Ketu Calculation and Not the True Position, Hence we have to Take the True Position and the date as 9th January 2016]
After a brief understanding of what is hapenning in the Sky, with the background of Grahas involved in this Yoga, Rashi-wize effects are given in Brief. For Individual Specific Kundali Readings pls go for the paid reading by using Paypal window on the right hand side of this page. People who want to Transfer/deposit or wire the Money directly to our HDFC Bank account number & People who want to Learn Vedic Astrology in detail [ONLINE COURSE] can email and inquire on
OK, So Let's first understand Rahu - He is the Most Strongest of all the Planets/Grahas as He is capable of Grahana or Eclipse to Surya and Chandra as per Ved Vyasa - चन्द्र आदित्य विमर्दनम् ......he is also termed as अर्धकायं
महावीर्यं the half bodied or the one who has only face and no body and the one who is महावीर्यं or one who is full of qualities of creation, abilities of creation, potency and the one who is the exaggerated form of Shukracharya, The Guru of Demons or Shukra the Graha, Planet.....
Why Shukra, because Only Shukra is Synonyms with Virya वीर्य or Semen or Creation and Rahu is the Exggerated form of this Shukra as he is the Shishya of Shukracharya only....
This is the New and Best Logical defination of mine for Mahaviryam or महावीर्यं, the last generation astrologers translated it as Mahaviram महावीरम् or great warrior, No doubt Rahu is a Great Warrior and he along with Ketu forms the Army of the Graha. But then why Ved Vyasa used the word Mahaviryam or महावीर्यं, the word is simple and the sandhi vigraha of this word is Maha + Virya or महा + विर्य, Maha is Large, Big, Great and Virya is the Semen, So Mahaviryam means the one who is having great powers of creation, and Virya is nothing but Shukra...Hence Rahu is the Larger or Greater form of Shukracharya or planet Shukra.
And Shukra, the Graha or Planet, moves or rotates or Spins backward in his direct motion....this is a strange phenomenon and very few people knew about it and very few people have had tried to decode it....Yes, Shukra, The Asuracharya revolves in opposite direction while moving around the sun, there is natural opposition to the bondage of Sun or Surya, but the Supreme Lords compulsion is such that willingly or unwillingly this Shukra moves with his backward spin around the Sun in its Orbit. Shukra only gets 43 days in 18 months for showing his real asuric nature or demonic qualities when he gets retrograde or Vakri.
Rahu, The Asura, The Students of Shukracharya gets 18 Months to complete a term in One Rashi, He is termed as असत्यवादी कपटि च राहुः कुष्ठी परानिन्दति बुद्धिहिनः | means he is a deceiver, speaks falls, is cunning, one who suffers from leprosy, with ill will for other and defamed, blamed, condemned by others and who while acting, spoiling others does not apply the sense of right or wrong.....
The Impact of Rahu when Shukra is Retrograde is a subject of deep Study as in those 43 days of Shukra's Vakra Gati, Rahu gets full support of the Asuracharya or Daitya Guru....will write some other time on this topic, lets not deviate and focus on Rahu Transit alone here...
The shastra further defines Rahu - Ketu as bellow....
आदित्यद्विड्गुलिक्षिखिनस्तस्त पिडाकराः स्युः | if Sun is the Soul or Atma, Moon is the Mann or Mind and the 5 planets Mangal, Shukra, Guru, Shani, Budha are the 5 Elements, panchabhoota of the body or 5 senses of the body then Rahu - Ketu are the Adversaries of these Grahas and only Rahu - Ketu troubles the Body, Mind and Soul for sure....
Rahu and Ketu are Snakes, Preta or the Lords of the Deads, they are the bondage, suffering, oppressed, depressed, suppressed state of Body, Mind and Soul.....In Shastra there are 8 types of bondages or पाश and they are defines as bellow....
घृणा, लज्जा, भयं, शङ्का, जुगुप्सा चेति पञ्चमी |
कुलं शीलम् तथा जातिरष्टौ पाशाः प्रकीर्तितः |
पाशबद्धो भवेज्जिवः पाशमुक्तः सदाशिवः ||
Disgust, Modesty, Fear, Doubt, Dislike, Race, Character and Caste are eight Pashas or bondages a living being is suffering from. The one who is bonded with these pashas are Jeevas or Living Beings and the one who is free from all these for Eternity is SADASHIVA or lord SHIVA.....
The one who will be free from these Pashas or Bondages will become Sadashiva himself....So Winning Over Rahu and Ketu can be a Moksha or Liberation in itself.....
To be free from these Bondages, You need to be a Living Entity and Struggle to work towards being free from these bondages.....You will not be free when you will Die, as the Dead Body is termed as Shava or शव, The Jeeva without Shiva is Shava.....So Death does not help, You will be reborn to be free again and the same Birth and Death cycle will continue....So whatever you have to do, is to do in this Life only to be FREE.....
Rahu and Ketu are Mayaa, Illusion and they will keep putting Traps of Destiny for Every Living Entity....The Most common Traps comes in the form of Six Enemies or षड्रिपुः or षड रिपुः and these are काम Kaama [Lust], क्रोध Krodha [Anger], लोभ Lobha [Greed], मोह Moha [Attachment], मद Mada [Arrogance], and मत्सर Matsra [Jealousy] [shastra says....नास्ति कामसमोव्याधिः नास्ति मोहसमोरिपुः नास्ति क्रोधसमोअग्निः......]
These six enemies or shadripus are "The Traps of Destiny" for all living beings and in real terms Moksha or Liberation is nothing but winning over these Six Enemies. The great Indian Saint Tukarama says "याची देहि याची डोळा पाहिन सोहळा मुक्तीचा || The one who wins over these Six Enemies will "with their own body, with their own eyes witness the celebration of Liberation or The Moksha" [
in this very body, with these very eyes, i will witness the celebration of Liberation....]
This is tough and no ordinary person can do it....years of practice is necessary to attain such a state where you are not having any emotion like the six mentioned above and without these emotions you will be Like a STONE. Attaining this STONE or Zero Emotions or Zero Desire state is in itself is the State of Enlightenment. From age old times we were worshipping Stone Idols in Temples & Holy Places..., these Holy Places and the Stone Idols of the Deities are Loudly and Clearly telling us that You have to become Like Me, You Have to Become a STONE, get Liberated don't fall in the "Trap of Destiny" but we the people could not decode their message to do away with these Traps of Emotions and Desires....
So Rahu and Ketu are the real Problems in Any their foremost role is to Trap the Graha, Spoil the Graha or House they are situated in, hence they become a Huge Area of Concern in Predictive Astrology. Many of my students who are practicing Vaastu Consultants, who are Learning Astrology from me, keep asking about Use of Astrology into Vaastu as all their clients directly comes to Astrology once they speak up of Vaastu...they keep coming to me on regular basis for trying to decode the secrets of Vaastu from me....Many of them and even many new clients of mine told me that after doing proper Vaastu too they are facing issues in their Home, Office or Plots of Lands....
I tell Everyone that for doing Vaastu of Home, Office or a Plot the first thing which is The Most Important thing is to check the Vaastu Dosha in the Kundali of the Owner. Here i am revealing this Vaastu Dosha Secret for the general Public....Any Person having Rahu or Ketu in the 4th House of Kundali from Lagna or Chandra has a Strong Vaastu Dosha in his/her Kundali / Horoscope and will not be able to Live Happily in his/her Home, if It is office, then too he will meet a miserable fortune......How to avoid it and what are the remedies is a different topic and i am available on my email id for the same....
The Gochar or Transit is with respect to Chandra or the Moon or Gochar should be applied from Chandra Kundali as per Our Sages.....I wrote an article on how reading it with respect to Lagna is also important couple of years back, you can search my blog and i am sure you will get it....Also Rahu's House wise positions and their effects are also given in some other post, Just search the blog in the search window given in the right hand side bar of this page....
So reading the Transit w.r.t Lagna is also important, from Chandra Kundali it is important because the Chandra or Moon is directly hit with the positive or negative effects of the Transiting Graha or Planet, in case of ascendant we dont know that the people will have any specific planet in their specific Lagna/Ascendant or not....From Chandra Kundali we Know what Yogas the Transiting Graha is doing with the Chandra as Chandra is very much present in that specific Rashi Only.....
Now when we are speaking about the effects of this Transit in totality, we need to understand that Guru or Planet Jupiter is already stationed in Singha/Leo till Agust 10 and Hence Understanding Guru is also important as Rahu will be Sharing the Singha Rashi with Guru/Jupiter....I know this article is getting a bit longer but it is worth spending time reading it as you will learn a lot not only about Transits but many other aspects of Life too....
Singha Guru is termed as Singha Asta or Combust in Singha Rashi or Leo and hence Singhasta Kumbha Mela is celebrated on the banks of Godavari every 12 Years whenever Guru Transits Singha Rashi....The Shastra says.... मघादिपञ्चपादेषु गुरुः सर्वत्र निन्दितः means, The Guru placed in Singha Rashi, from Magha Nakshatra to next 5 padas [4 padas of Magha and 1st Pada of Purva Falguni] is Condemned in all countries or everywhere....So Guru is Useless in Singha Rashi till He crosses the 1st Pada or Charan of Purva Falguni Nakshatra. Such a Waste Of Such a Divine Graha....Hence Guru dint gave his 100 per cent result in His most of the tenure of Singha Transit uptill Now,
What are the effects of Guru in Singha Rashi or Leo, The Shastra Says....
अचलदुर्गवनप्रभुतोर्जितो दृढतनुर्ननु दानपरो भवेत |
अरिविभूतिहरो हि नरो युतः सुवचसा वचसामधिपे हरौ ||
or as bellow...
त्रिदशगुरौ सिंहस्थे समस्तरोषोद्ध्रुतारिपक्षच्य |
सद्रुढव्यस्तशरिरो गिरिदुर्गवनालये जातः ||
The crux of both the Shlokas is that The Pious, Humble, Kind and Divine Guru becomes full of Anger and with his Aggression, rage destroys all his enemies, which is exact opposite to the Nature of Guru Dev, it further says that though he is well bodied and busy leaves the material world and goes into Mountains, Deep Forests or Jungle, This is the penance for his rage and aggression for sure, he knows his wrong-doings as finally he is the Deva Guru...!
Guru the Brahmin with one Loin Cloth and a Kamandalu [Water Jar] with his wisdom and divinity can make even a King a Follower of Dharma and Even the King can leave everything behind and can go to the Jungle or woods for the Sadhana, Dhyana or Meditation....Remeber the Story of Sage Vishwamitra and Menaka, the Celestial Dancer....Vishwamitra was not a Sage or Yogi or Muni, He was the King of Ancient India and One day while coming back from a battle he stopped at the Ashram of Vashishtha Rishi, His entire Army was Hungry and Thirsty and seeing this Rishi Vashishtha feed the entire force by Just praying to His Cow Nandini, who was the daughter of Kamdhenu. Vishwamitra requested the Sage to Give him the Miraculous Cow who fulfills all wishes but Vashishtha refused....Vishwamitra used his Force against the Rishi but by his sheer powers gained by penance and blessings of Nandini Vashishtha win over Vishwamitra and His Force....Vishwamitra understood the powers of Penance, Dhyana and Meditation and his entire Kingdom looked a tiny dot infront of the powers of the Rishi Vasishtha. Hence he Left his Kingdom and Went into Jungle for Penance and appease Brahma to shower his Blessings Upon him and Give him Supernatural Powers as a boon to match the status of Vasishtha....
This is the Power of Guru, he can even make a Sanyasi out of a Rajyogi or a King....sharing one more secret of Astrology with all of you, whenever you see Guru[Jupiter] and Surya [Sun] in opposition or conjunction in any chart....there is a great possibility that the person might walk on the path of Dharma, Religion and Spirituality leaving behind his successful material life....i have hundreds of Kundalis with me where people with such Yoga, enjoying powerful positions in corporate and governments suddenly are disheartned by their present state, no satisfaction of job, discontentment and just want to say ENOUGH and move on to the path of Dharma.....
So we have understood about Rahu, Guru and now Shani Dev or Saturn....Shani is described as bellow in the Shastra...
आयुष्य मरणं भयं पतिततां दुःखावमानामयान
दारिद्रं भूतकापवाद कलुषाण्याशौचनिन्द्यापदह् |
स्थैर्यं निचजनाश्रयं च महिषं तन्द्रिम्रुणं चायसं
दासत्वं कृषिसाधनं रविसुतात्कारागृहम् बन्धनम् ||
The one who reads Devnagari script must have got an idea by reading the above words like मरण, भय,दुखः, निंदा, नीचजन, दास, कारागृह, बंधन etc Ok, in a nut shell it says Saturn or Shani Dev is the karaka or significator for longevity, death, fear, defamation, misery, degradation, sickness, poverty, labour, menial work, reproach, sin, impurity, censure, stability and shelter with the low people, buffalo, zeroness, debt, captivity, bondage, agricultural tools, imprisonment and all the wrongs are associated with Shani Dev....
So Such a Shani or Saturn is going to aspect or giving Drishti to this Singha/Leo Rahu and Guru.....
Lets check what are the Rashi wise effects of this RAHU-KETU Transit/Gochar of 2016, 9th January for each and every Rashi or Signs or Lagna/Ascendant....
1. Mesha - Aries : Big Relief for Mesha People, You slogged for Last Year and a Half or so, still not got what you were deserving of....From today, the New year 2016 will give you new Hope, You will spread your wings and explore the best of your Life. All the opposition, animosity, obstacles, enemies will die their own death and a new beginning is promised....Peeple who are Young will fall in Love, Romance will be in the Air, and for that matter you will have the Most Charming partner in your Love Life too....But beware, The issues because of opposite sex are going to pop up in this phase, don't commit unless and until you are sure of the fate of your relationship, bad name because of opposite sex is promised....
People who are having daughters and sons of young age should have dialogue with their children and convince them that they should not take adventurous decision in their Love Life. If possible postpone the marriage of your children as most probably your child will be separated from his/her spouse within the span of six months or so....
If you have your children bellow 18, take care of their health...Putra Haani or Loss of Child is foreseen for you people....
Your Health will be back to Normal and you will be bounced back to Life....There are chances that you will get cheated on Property matters, domestic atmosphere will not be that great....2016 and Early 2017 chances to lose one of the Parent...
At work front you will feel delay, but things will happen for sure, better than last one and half year for sure..
If you are venturing into business etc, establish the Venture or company on your child's name, it will bring in least have one of your child's name in the board of the company etc, will work wonders for sure...
From Feb onwards don't mess with Labor or working class or your servants, maids or employees till September....Pls and pls control your aggression as you might heart, stab or assault your employee or maid and due to that, might have to face problems and might end up visiting police station or court....
Safeguard Your House, Property, Land and see to it that good and happy atmosphere is maintained at home, which will be a tight rope walk for you people...
2. Vrishabh - Taurus : You must be trying to buy a property or home, if you have not bought it yet, i will advise just hold on and postpone it for next 18 months, believe me you will waste your money, energy and time and will be frustrated with your Property Matters. Those who have already baught it will witness weird activity at home which can not be understood by human minds. Possessed Vastu, Pishaccha Badha or You will be troubled by unsatisfied souls in the House. See to it that safety and security of House is prompt, if any elderly people, senior Citizens are alone at House, pls have someone staying back with them while you peeple are away for work as some wrongs can happen to your elderly people. Sudden Deaths, Murders, Attacks etc are possible in this one year's time or rather till early January 2017.
If You have bought new vehicle etc, then too be cautious while driving etc as the Vehicle and Chauffer will make you go mad, the Vehicle will break down in the middle of the road where for 10-20 KM, back and forth you will not find any help or your Driver will not like something you have told to him and will suddenly quit on important tour or travel etc...
Your Coborns, siblings will be hit for the worse, You might Lose one of the sibling or your relationship will permanently be spoiled. Brothers and sisters will rot for this 18 months and they will not be living a good life for sure...You will be frustrated with their conditions and troubles to you because of their behavior and condition...
If you are making plans of Fun Trips of Short Duration to distant countries or states, You will remember this Vacation for rest of your Life for all the wrong reasons...beware of Holiday Celebration, Party, Outing to distant places....CAUTION..!
Feb to September - It's the Nightmare for You, Save Your Marriage and Partnership.....????????????? Not commenting any further as this is really bad.....
19th May to 12th June - You run for your Life....This phase is worse, Safeguarding You, Yourself, Your Longevity should be the most important factor in this phase...
3. Mithun - Gemini : The phase is really alarming for you as You will face major issues on both Marriage and Career front...If Domestic and Professional happiness is finished what remains is nothing....Deep trouble for you on both the levels...If possible keep dialogue with your spouse, if you people can separate temporarily, it will fulfill the is better than the separation by means of death or divorce....
Professionally you will be Humiliated, Insulted, Demoted and an atmosphere will be created for your exit....
Family and Finance is completely shattered in this phase....Try to do the remedies and appease the Graha Yoga....
If You have plans to start a business etc Just forget it for next 18 months, You will be saved for sure. If you are not married and want to marry in this phase, again a big NO for next 18 months.....Just Listen and Follow, You will be saved in a Big Way for Sure......
4. Karka - Cancer: The Graha Yoga is hapenning in Your Dhana Sthana. So manage your finance properly....Money will certainly come, you will practice some wrong ways to create wealth, just be cautious while doing so.....Some diseases of Mouth will occur, You will be visiting your dentist for sure....If you are a smoker, or chewing Pan, Gutkha, Tobacco, Beware...Mouth ulcers, cancers can not be ruled out in this phase...If you are alcoholic, just control the Habit as it will badly affect on Liver and might have to go for medication.
Something wrong, something Eeerie is hapenning in your family, there will be events in the family and with the family members which you will not be able to understand that why these kinds are things hapenning, You and family is susceptible to paranormal spells, black magic spells, so beware of eating at others places, unless and until you know the person and their intentions avoid having food or drinks to their places as in most of the cases these kinds of spells are casted using food or drink or water....
If Possible do some remedial measures or some kavach etc to safeguard you and family members in this 18 months. Do Rahu Shanti ASAP.
No matter what happens be cautious in fraudulent ways of making money as You will get caught and will further fuel the wrong Yogas to the max.....
5. Singha - Leo: You people and Your Lagna/Rashi is the playground for all this activity of Planets, So Naturally you will not be untouched....
If you are studying, you will fail in exams or there will be brake in the education, if you are in an affair, it will not work and heart-break is promised, If You have children, they will make you go mad and their wellbeing will make you worry. If you are expecting some inheritance then forget about it at least till August 2016. If you have plans to relocate to foreign Land, You will suffer on foreign land...
Your Health will be a concern for sure, so proper check-ups, medicine etc is advisable....Susceptible to Tumour, Cancer....A early Biopsy will Help....If you do well till August, You will come clean and Healthy physically....
Till August 2016 don't travel to distant Holy Places as you will feel like going to some Holy Place which is far away from your location and appease the said deity for solving your problems etc....Beware, It is the TRAP OF DESTINY, Some severe Accident or Critical Health Condition can be proved fatal for your life at the Holy Places or on the way [to & from] to Holy Places....
Take care of Your parents as might lose one of the parent till early 2017
6. Kanya - Virgo: You will spoil these 18 months just for the heck of your desire to settle on the foreign Land, Must be thinking from last year or so about it, i am sure. But it will be proved waste of time and you will lose lot of money, time energy and off course the Peace of Mind.
You will spend lots of your savings for this OASIS, It is Mrigtrushna, will not be able to solve any poblem, It is a Big Hole in the Pocket for sure....
Many Illegal Immigrants on foreign Land will do desperate attempts to get themselves registered as the lawful citizens of their specific country of residence but will not be successful...they will follow wrong practices to do so too.... May God Help them resolve their issues...
You will face Litigation, Problems regarding your House, Property, Land etc, Some partners or associates or even spouse will cheat you monetarily. Partnership in Business and Marriage will not work, Animosity with Coborns or Siblings will be to the Max, With all these issues there are chances to spend some good amount of time in Prison etc....So be cautious and act peacefully....
Surrendering to Guru, God, Parmeshwar will help. Will spend on Pooja, Pilgrimage, Remedial Measures etc and it will Help for Sure....
7. Tula - Libra: The Transit Rahu moved from your 12th House and came in 11th, It's a Good Sign, Whatever you were trying to achieve in last 18 months will now be tangible for you, for sure. You will get influential people standing by you and helping you, which was not the scenario up till now, It is a different story that these influential people who are going to make your destiny will themselves come into the Grind and will elope in the shadows of Rahu soon, but moral of the Story, Your Work will be done by them for sure....
Take advantage and use the opportunity and support from these Very Strong and Influential people and set the Tone for next 18 Years Life of Yours....don't miss this out, else you will regret for lifetime...
Sufferings on terms of Coborns or brother, sister will suffer for sure. Take care of Parents Health, It is not good for one of the parent for sure....
If Married, Feb - September be cautious and have good bond with the spouse, simple things can blow out of proportion and might go on the verge of separation.
If Not Married plan it post July 2016. May - June take care of your Health, Safety and Longevity....
Child Birth during Feb - September should be taken care of, Take care of Pregnant women at home, chances of miscarriage is cent percent....If doing C-Section or Cesarean delivery Instruct the doctor to take full care, Don't Trust doctors blindly, If they Know You are ready for C-Section they will give some drug for early water break and the lady will start the flow and the doctor will advise immediate C-Section. Premature baby's are prone to have mental, psychological, brain beware, be nice to your Gynac, Take him/her in confidence, give them the confidence that they should be paid duly and just request them not to force C-Section if it is not required before the child is not grown full....
and if you are going for a C-Section or Cesarean delivery go for the C-Section Muhurta Service with us and i will give such a Muhurta that the Entire Family will see new High in Economical and Social Sphere with Happiness...
Moneywise You will do good post this March for Sure...
Vrischik - Scorpio: I am Sure what you are up to....There must be some thought of Getting Funding or Having someone backing you for your venture...Your Demand is His Command, Your Wish is Granted, Tathastu...So be It....!
You have done Lot many things in Last Year or So, You people got a House, A Vehicle, Must be Looking for another Property etc...I think you should stop on this House, Property, Vehicle etc now and concentrate on getting your projects through....Take My Word, In these 18 Months You will get Huge Amount of Funds from Foreign Land, You can set up ties with foreign people and work with them, You dont need to Travel to Foreign Places, Just by sitting in Your Respective countries You will do the business with the world....and if you want to Travel, Pls Travel, no one is stopping You....this is the time to mingle with foreign people or people of different nationalities or of different ethnicity....
If you are in Service also, You will report to some foreigner or someone not from your community, Like a Gujarati person is Having a Marathi boss etc...
You are in Sade Sati of Shani Dev, so it is natural to take care of your wellbeing, avoiding at wrong place, wrong time with wrong people etc...Just follow the basics to safeguard your interests and i am sure slowly, slowly Shani Dev will start Blessing You.....As it is in January Next Year [2017] You will be free from the Main phase of Sade Sati, and Feb to September this year is a relief as Your Lagna Lord Mangal will be in Lagna/Rashi itself....So Mangal will also Help for Sure....
Take care of your wife, separation is on the cards, Watch Out for May - June, Your Marriage is in question mark?????????
If Not married, wait till September 2016. If having Extra Marital Affairs etc....May - June you will be ruined for sure on relationship front...
Dhanu - Sagitarius: It is a Fortunate Yoga, Growth and progress will be witnessed....The areas to be concerned of is Your Health and Property Issues, Litigation regarding the same, delay in possession of the House etc. Mothers Health too is in question mark???
You will become religious and spiritual and will try to understand something special in the Dharma, will form your own views and opinion about Dharma....Will get attracted to Other Religions, Paths, Clans of the Dharma. Weak Natal Guru or Jupiter people can also convert into other religions and follow the new way of Living.
Will travel to distant places, expenses will be out of control, might think of settling overseas and your work might start in that direction.
Take care of Health as Tumor, Boils, Cancer etc cannot be ruled out, Kidney, Abdominal issues can surface, treat it on the basic level itself, Diagnose properly.....As Rahu is a deceiver, will not be able to diagnose these diseases on time, so take 2-3 doctors opinion. Just because some doctor is saying something don't go under the scissors. Check it properly....If possible pass time till 10th of August, Buy the time anyhow for anything serious Like Hospitalization, Surgery etc....Post August I am Dead Sure that You will walk out of the Hospital Laughing and Cursing Your Doctor that for simple issue he gave you nightmares for 6-8 months...
Makar - Capricorn: It's Time to Work Hard for You People, 2016 is going to be the Nightmare for You. You are susceptible for Accidents, Fall, Burns, Cuts, Surgeries etc Take care of Yourself. Don't drive Yourself, have a driver. Avoid going to places if it is really not necessary.
You will be tempted for Easy Money Ideas and will get caught in the Trap of Destiny.
Diseases of Eyes, Neck, Shoulder, Feet will eat lot of money. Problems to Brother and Sisters....
If You are on Foreign Land, Then All Your planning for future will go for a toss, will be troubled on foreign Land, Might get deported too, so keep your papers clear....
From September 20, You will breathe a sigh of relief.
Kumbha - Aquarius: Your Marital Life is going to be shaken for the worst, try to control the damage in marriage else you will pay a heavy price. Till September don't expect anything from Job or Career, Just Hold on to whatever you have in hand, But i doubt you will be able to Hold, You will succumb to the pressure and will Quit for Sure, So Present Job will Go, You might go for the second Job which will be promised to you by September, I am Sure...
Father - Mother will suffer heavily, death or death like suffering to parents is foreseen.
In all these problematic phase there are also chances of getting some funds, financial support etc if you have a plan to do something on your own, so think about it, don't waste the opportunity...But whatever you do, do it with someone, don't do it alone, have good trustworthy people to work for you....
There will be times where good looking opposite sex of working class or low grade will be very near, easily accessible to you and you will tempt to fall in the Trap of Adultery....don't spoil your reputation, these things can blow up out of proportion and legal issues with monetary compensation can spoil your reputation. ....Just don't get closer to your employees or maids, servants etc It can backfire Heavily....
Meena or Pisces - Health will be down, Abdomen, Waist, Eyes, Feet will witness discomfort. You will get into debt or Loan Repayment and that will eat lot of positivity of yours. Lot of ill-will will be generated against You. This is the time when bad name, blemish will further deteriorates your emotional and mental health and social reputation.
Don't get into anything new professionally, Just Hold onto whatever you are doing, don't react impulsively. Calm and Quiet attitude can solve many problems before they start haunting you.
Feb to September is a phase to watch out for, If played well, You will gain lot of wealth else you will put your neck on the be cautious....
Be in the back seat, let someone else call the shots on your behalf, don't come in the picture....this way major damage can be controlled....
So this is what i can share with you at this moment, there are N-Number of things which i didn't wrote here as it is too much in a single article....
For specific readings of your Individual Chart, You need to Go for a Paid Reading / Consultation which you can book directly from this page's PayPal window of Horoscope Reading....or just write to :
For Learning Vedic Astrology in a Online Course write to me in detail with full name, contact details and location of yours....
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Stopping Here for now, will come back soon.....
My Blessings to All
|| इति परशुरामसुतौकृते सिंहिकाःसिम्हायगोचरफलां कृष्णार्पणमस्तू ||
Shri Dilip Raut