Dear Readers, followers and Students of Astrology....
Sharing The Kunchika Stotra as Recited by Lord SHIVA to Mother Parvati.....
Kunchika literally means the KEY, yes it is the Key of Success and Happiness.
In Material Life we are troubled by Planetary Influence as well as Human Influences from those we are surrounded with. People willingly or unwillingly can disrupt your Life. In Science there is a Theory called The Observer Theory or the Observer Effect, where in, In the presence of an Observer even atoms behave differently. Pls google about it, you will be surprised how an observer's mere presence force the Atoms to behave differently.
Naturally we The Humans with trillions of Atoms within us will behave differently with others influence on Us. Someone might not like you for whatsoever reason....someone can be jealous, someone just finds his/her enemy in you....Someone might have a deep desire to finish you financially or physically, someone is just waiting for your bad days....reason or no reason, N number of hidden enemies are around....
This Kunchika Stotra is the Key in safeguarding yourself....Safeguarding your Interests and Shiva literally tells Mother Parvati that the Chanting of this Stotra will save you from Maran [Tantra for Killing someone], Mohan [Tantra to Control someone] Vashyam [Tantra for Complete Control over someone's life], Stambhan [Tantra for Stopping something or making things status quo], Uchhatan [Tantra for destabilising someone from his/her roots, To ruin someone's Life]
Here It is.....

श्री कुञ्चिका स्तोत्रम
|| शिव उवाच ||
[Lord Shiva Speaks....]
शृणु देवी, प्रवक्षामि ! कुञ्चिका स्तोत्रम् उत्तमम् |
येन मन्त्र प्रभावेण चण्डी जापः शुभो भवेत् ||
[Devi listen, I shall Impart the knowledge of The Best Kunchika Stotra. The Very Effect of the Mantras of this Stotra can Give Auspicious Results Like Doing The Entire Chandi Jaap]
न कवचं न अर्गला स्तोत्रम्, कीलकं न रहस्यकम् |
न सुक्तम् न अपि ध्यानम् च, न न्यासो न च वार्चनम् ||
[No Kavach, No Argala, No Keelak, No Rahasya, No Sukta, No Dhyana, No Nyasa and Even No Archana of the Goddess Is required]
कुञ्चिका ध्यान मात्रेण् दुर्गा पाठः फ़लम् लभेत् |
अति गुह्यन्तर देवी, देवानाम् अपि दुर्लभम् ||
[Mere Chanting of Kunchika Stotra one will be blessed, as in case of Complete Paath of Durga. It is very Secret and Even Gods does not have access to It. ]
गोपनीयं प्रयत्नेन स्वयोनिरिव पार्वति |
मारणं मोहनम् वश्यम् स्तम्भनं उच्चाटणादिकम् |
पाठ मात्रेण् संसिध्हयेत | कुञ्चिका स्तोत्रमुत्तमम ||
[ Dear Parvati, In Whatever Yoni one get access to this Strong Stotra (Dev, Daanav, Manushya, Yaksha, Gandharva, Pishachha, Naaga etc) one must Keep it as a Secret to their Own Yoni. Maaran, Mohana, Vashikaran, Stambhan, Uchhatan like Tantra Kriyas can be readily Activated as well as Alleviated just by reciting this Stotra called Kunchika Stotra which is THE BEST ]
ॐ ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विचै |
ॐ ग्लौं हुं क्लीं जुं सः ज्वालय ज्वालय ज्वल ज्वल प्रज्वल प्रज्वल |
ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विचै | ज्वल हं सं लं क्षं फ़ट् स्वाहा ||
[This is the Main Mantra of the Stotra - Used to Burn all Negativity in The Fire of The Havana ]
Om is The Universal Consciousness or Chetana - Aim is the Universe in Itself, Hrim is The Sustenance, Kleem is the Kaama Beej for fulfillment of Desires, Chamunda is The Rudra form of Goddess who destroyed the Asura Chanda and Munda, Yai is Boon Granting and Vichai is The Protector....So OM AIM HRIM KLEEM CHAMUNDAYAI VICHAI is Bowing down to the Universal Energy which Creates, sustains,grants boon and Protects. Om Glaum....Fat Svaha is the mantra for Invoking the Destructive Energies to Destroy All Enemies, Opponents, Jealous people as well as Burn All Negativity from Tantra, Mantra, Yantra Kriyas, Spells, Blackmagic Etc. These are all TANTRIK MANTRAS FROM - RUDRAYMAL TANTRA ]
नमस्ते रुद्ररूपिण्यै नमस्ते मधुमर्दिनि | नमः कैटभहारिण्यै नमस्ते महिषार्दिनि ||
नमस्ते शुम्भ हन्त्रै च निशुम्भासुर घातिनि | जाग्रतं हि महादेवि जपः सिद्धिम् कुरुष्व मे ||
[Bow down to THE Goddess who is alike RUDRA, Bow down to the Goddess who is the destroyer of the Demon called Madhu. Bow down to the Destroyer of Kaitabha, Shumbha and Nishumbha Demons. Oh Supreme Goddess I request you to be Awaken and Fulfil my Sankalpa or desires by Enlightening and Blessing my Chants ]
ऐंकारी सृष्टीरुपायै ह्रींकारी प्रतिपालिका | क्लींकारी काल रुपिण्यै बीजरुपे नमस्तुते ||
चामुण्डा चण्डघाती च यैकारी वरदायिनी | विचै च अभयदा नित्यं नमस्ते मन्त्र रूपिणी ||
[Aim Swara or Naada is the significator of The Entire Cosmos, Hrim Swara is the Significator of The Sustainer, Kleem Swara is The Kaal Rupa or significator of Time....In These Three Beejas, The Seeds You are formed and I bow down to your Beej Rupa or Form in these Seeds of Swara ]
धां धीं धूं धूर्जटेः पत्नीः वां वीं वागधीश्वरी तथा | क्रां क्रीं क्रूं कालिका देवि शां शीं शूं मे शुभं करो ||
[ The Swara Dhaam, Dheem, Dhoom Invokes The Consort of "Rudra, The Dhurjati", The Swara Waam, Weem Invokes The Vaani or Speech. The Swara Kraam, Kreem, Kroom Invokes The Goddess Kaalika and The Swara Shaam, Sheem, Shoom Invokes The Shubha, The Goodness and Blesses The Pesron doing the Chanting]
हुं हुं हुङ्कार् रुपिणै जं जं जं जम्भनादिनी | भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रूं भैरवी भद्रे भवान्यै ते नमोः नमः ||
[ The Swara Hoom is The War Cry of The Goddess and the Swara Jam is the War Cry of The Goddess like the Jambha Asura, The King of All Demons. The Swara Bhram, Bhreem, Bhroom Is Invoking the Bhairavi - The Rudra form of Durga, Bhadra - The Ideal and Noble Goddess and Bhavani, The Creative form of Goddess and I bow down to these forms of The Devi, The Goddess]
अं कं चं टं तं पं यं शं वीं दुं ऐं हं क्षं | धीजाग्रं धीजाग्रं त्रोटय त्रोटय दीप्तं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा ||
[Am is the 11th Swara of Laabh or Gain, Kam is the 11th form of Swara Ka in Devnagari Vyanjana, similarly cham(6th from Ka is Cha - significator of Shatru Haani or Destruction of Enemy) TAM, 6th from CHA is TAA - Shatru Haani or significator of 'Destruction of Enemies', Tam 6th from TAA is Ta, destruction of Enemies, Pam - 6th from Ta is Pa, Destruction of Enemies, Yam, 6th from Pa is Ya, Again destruction of enemies, Sham - 5th from Ya is Sha - Vidya or Wisdom, Veem - Va is one place prior to Sha - Significator of Loss, Doom - Da is 12th place behind Va - Maaran or Mrityu Kaaraka, Significator of Death, Aim - 8th Swara from Aa - Again Mrityu Karaka or Significator for Death, Ham is 33rd Akshara in Varnamala - total 6, again destruction of enemies - Ksham is 35th Akshara in Varnamala - Total 8 - Mrityu Kaaraka or Significator of Death...Invoking these Energies and Breaking All Barriers in fulfilling the Desired Sankalpa and Enlighten Us]
पां पीं पूं पार्वति पूर्णा खां खीं खूं खेचरी तथा | सां सीं सूं सप्तशति देव्या मन्त्र सिद्धिं कुरुष्व मे ||
[Pa is 21st Akshara of Varnamala, Total 3 - It is Parakrama or Valor - Parvati Is Epitome of Parakrama and Poorna, The Complete One. Kham, Keem, Khoom is The Invocation of Khechari, The Magical Siddha form of Goddess. Saam Seem Soom is Invoking the 700 Mantras of Durga Saptashati and Making them Siddha Mantra by the Grace of Goddess Parvati and Khechari ]
|| फलश्रुति: ||
इदं तु कुञ्चिका स्तोत्रं मन्त्र जागर्ति हेतवे | अभक्ते नैव दातव्यं गोपितं रक्ष पार्वति ||
[ This Kunchika Stotra is for Activating the Mantras of Saptashati, This should not be given or shared with people who are not Having Faith in The Divine, Save this Secret Parvati]
यस्य कुञ्चिकया देवी | हीनां सप्तशति पठेत | न तस्य जायते सिद्धिररण्येरोदनम् यथा ||
[ Those who will do The Durga Saptashati Paath Without The Kunchika Stotra will Not be Granted Siddhi or Enlightenment as Weeping in Forest yields no result as seldom presence of anyone who can respond and help.]
Hope This Will Activate Your Fortune.....!!!
|| शुभम् भवतू ||
श्री दिलीप राऊत
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Superb. Its so rare to fond such a wonderful.amd correct translation and spelling. Thanks a lot for enlightening us.